Wednesday, 22 February 2017

IFTTT update: Twitch comes to IFTTT

Every few days, we see tweets like these.

The people have spoken. Repeatedly. For years! Today we’re delighted to say that you’ve been heard: Twitch is now on IFTTT. Whether you’re painting with Bob Ross, cooking with Domestic Dan, or one of the 2.4M who watch Syndicate play the latest video games, there’s an Applet that can make your experience better.

If you’re a broadcaster, you can use them to manage your channel and make sure no one misses a new stream or video.

If you’re a viewer, there are Applets that make it easier to discover, save, and share content.

Those are just a few examples — you can also turn on or make Applets that run when you get a new follower, when you follow a new channel, when there’s a new video from channels you follow, and when there’s a new top video of the week.

Twitch has built an amazing community full of creativity, enthusiasm, and just plain cool people. We’re excited to be a part of it, and we have big plans for the Twitch service.


Monday, 6 February 2017

IFTTT update: Louisville is the first city on IFTTT

Louisville, Kentucky has a storied history. Founded in 1778, it’s one of the oldest cities in the US west of the Appalachian Mountains. It’s famous worldwide for the Kentucky Derby, Kentucky bourbon, and Kentucky Fried Chicken (quite the trio). Today, we’re excited to announce that IFTTT has become a part of the Louisville story — with the launch of the Smart Louisville service, they’re the first smart city on the platform.

The city government is committed to using the data it collects to improve the lives of Louisville residents.  As a first step, their service is focused on helping people track and monitor air quality.

They have big plans for the future: Civic data experts are helping the government discover new ways to integrate city data with other services and devices. We have no doubt that other cities will soon look to Louisville as a shining example of what a smart city can be. Stay tuned, and watch the Smart Louisville service evolve!